Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Vík, Iceland

Gray Solace

Population has decreased exponentially again, as temperature increases by a comparable degree. Vík is a cozy 300-person village, nestled at the foot of Iceland's largest glacier, which itself rests atop the country's largest active (and overdue) volcano, Katla. Everyone here seems a little concerned about that.

I'm hoping to spend the next few days wilderness-wandering, but that may depend on the weather's increased cooperation. It also may not - my camera is allegedly waterproof, and I know I am. Spring is far more apparent on this edge of the country - green grasses are everywhere, and tiny flowers have begun to appear. I want to go exploring.

The last couple days have been riddled with adventure and misadventure. Highlights include:

  • Getting my Land Rover stuck in a huge snow bank (It was bound to happen)
  • Losing my critically warm wool hat somewhere in a frighteningly featureless 6km tunnel, and then finding it hours later on my return trip, just as I realized it was missing (I really need that hat - this is Iceland)
  • Driving 200km around the Icelandic countryside (Driving in Iceland is so easy - there's really just one big road with lots of little offshoots)
  • Stood at the northernmost point in the northernmost town of this northernmost country (It's kind of just an empty road, but still...)
  • Discovering an enormous active geyser (By accident...)
  • Taking a wrong turn in the fjords, and as a result being treated to the most breathtaking views I have ever witnessed in my life (Seriously - pictures can never do it justice)
  • Watching Crank: High Voltage in Icelandic with no subtitles (You know, I could still follow the plot really well...)

Today I am relaxing with my book and my paints, and very much looking forward to dinner - I once again have a kitchen at my disposal, and intend to take full advantage of that fact. The grocery store here had some vegetables that I'd never seen before - I'm betting they're yummy with a little olive oil and garlic over rice.

I'm very much enjoying my small-town homes - it's nice to get a taste of life in these places I'll never actually live. I can go anywhere I please here, and there's no rush because it can all easily be taken in over a day. I think my challenge will be balancing these places with the larger cities, which have their own draw, but take more of a toll on my energy levels.

For the moment, things are quiet and gray. I think Katla snores...


  1. these are really awesome pictures Matthew! And your descriptions are fantastic. I enjoy keeping up to date with your adventures here. Sorry I missed you last weekend on skype. I hear you are going to be leaving for Amsterdam soon, right? I am leaving for Canada and Seattle tomorrow... not quite as exciting as your travels, but travels nonetheless! take care!

  2. As I sit here babysitting Quinn, you have once again swept me away to an amazing and awe-inspiring country. I could never take this trip myself, but I am sure enjoying it vicariously. Continue to have fun exploring.

  3. Say hi to Quinn for me! Or whatever that translates to in babyspeek.

  4. Remarkable....simply just WOW. How were the unknown veggies?

  5. I think they were some kind of wacky pepper - saturated with olive oil and inundated with garlic, they were very yummy.

    I really miss tomatoes.

  6. Shawna and I had deep fried tree buds in Kanazawa in a basement live spot. I bet your new vegetables are cooler than tree buds, but still...tree buds. Also, lotus root.

    That obsinate little house is a fantastic photo. It reminds me of my haunted hotel room. The ghost either pushed me over twice in the middle of the night during my stay, or I'm now prone to bouts of narcolepsy. It also tried to boil us alive by turning up our thermostat to unkjind levels. Haha. Unkjind. Have you met Bjork yet? You'd tell us, right?

  7. Casey forgot to mention that not only did we eat tree buds, they were wild tree buds. Evidently if you plant the tree and care for it, the tree buds just don't taste as good. Also, please find a cure for narcolepsy and mail it here asap. I'm getting bruised by falling Caseys.

    Also I want your camera!

  8. I totally did meet Bjork. She's super cute, wouldn't let me buy her a drink, and gave me a bunch of music recommendations.

    Then she DJ'd the bar for an hour with ridiculous noise pop.

    My trip is so fun.
